29 December 2012

Thoughts: To the Baby Boomers

I'd like to address this one to the Baby Boomers. Don't get all riled up just because I said that, my parents are Boomers and I love them dearly. It's just that I get tired of being called a part of the "Gimme Generation" by people who have no idea what they're talking about.

Ignore birth control girl, and everything you've seen on the news about Occupy. The news media likes to stick a camera in the face of the person who's going to provide a lucrative soundbite for a sensational story. They have no interest in reporting the truth.

The truth is that I've been paying into Social Security since I joined the workforce, knowing full well that I'll never see a dime of it back.

The truth is that Medicare will not be there for me when I retire.

The truth is that I'm not voting for your political candidates because they suck, and when I try to get involved in the political process you blow me off.

The truth is that I didn't want to fight in your stupid war, but I needed a job and it was the only one I could get with no experience and no college.

The truth is that I don't care about your "War on terror" because I'm pretty sure you made it up, and we can't afford to pay for it.

The truth is I can't believe you're so willfully ignorant of anything that isn't broadcast on the news, and that you blindly believe everything you see on TV. I'm a product of public schooling and even I know more about research and critical thinking than that.

The truth is that I don't care about your "protection of marriage" crap, because I saw the ER staff bar my gay friend from seeing her partner after she was in a car accident because she wasn't family, and I thought that was B.S.

The truth is that I don't care about your "war on drugs", because I know it's not working and it's costing me money. Besides, you smoked weed in the 60s. Don't be a hypocrite.

The truth is that your fiscal cliff sucks, and I can't afford to pay any more taxes.

The truth is that my mortgage is underwater, I'm drowning in student debt, my grocery bill is eating up my paycheck, my medical bills go unpaid because my employer cut benefits after Obamacare passed, I haven't gotten a raise in years and I can't ask for one because I'll be laid off and my job outsourced if I do. By the way, I'm declaring bankruptcy.

The truth is that you can't have my guns, even if it's "for the children" because if I give them up I have no way of addressing a group of tyrants who don't represent me using force to take what little I have.

I don't want you to "Gimme" anything. The only thing I want from you is to be left alone. Leave my paycheck alone. Leave my healthcare (or lack thereof) alone. Leave my Constitution alone. Leave everyone else alone. Quit meddling with things, you're just making it worse.

Don't push me. I will push back.

28 December 2012

Thoughts: Support Our Troops

I've been told by several well meaning people "Thank you for your service". (Yeah, I'm a vet.) I never know quite what to say to that, though. You're welcome? Wake up, we've been lied to?

I hear people everywhere saying "Support our troops." What the heck does that mean? Nothing. It's a meaningless phrase. If you really wanted to support the troops, you'd quit electing people who send us off to die in undeclared and unconstitutional wars.

I hear so-called conservatives rant about "Boots on the ground", mostly secure in the fact that it won't be their boots. This is the part that gets ignored- people come back broken, mentally and physically, and can't get it together. Consider the fact that it was only two years ago that the VA admitted that Agent Orange may have been bad for people. They still deny that exposure to depleted uranium is causing health problems. Don't even get me started on PTSD.

The growing number of homeless vets is just one of the symptoms.

Propaganda-driven wars for profit are the problem. Support the troops, bring them home.

photo credit

26 December 2012

Finances: Cash, gold, & digital money

With all this talk of the coming financial crises I see people largely taking one of two viewpoints.

The first is to be stubbornly, pitifully oblivious. "Economics? Financial news? Who reads that? There's a post-holiday sale at the mall, let's go stand in line. I want a new iPhone, and pity the fool who gets in my way."

credit for photo
If that's your take on it, then I really have nothing to say to you. Sorry.

The second is to be aware, but overwhelmed by the problem. "What can I do? This is so much bigger than me. It's on a national, even global scale. Maybe I should buy some gold."

If this is you, I may have some words of advice. This is just my two cents, so use your own discretion, but there are some things to consider. First, look at history.

During the Great Depression, banks started closing at the first sign of trouble. Banks exist to protect themselves and their investors. The fact that they have your money is secondary. If all you have is money in the bank when they lock you out and limit your ATM deposits, you have nothing.

Argentina bank after collapse
Ask the people who lived in Argentina during their financial collapse in 2001. The banks closed and limited ATM transactions, the government seized private assets, and all sorts of other ugliness happened. Read what Ferfal of Surviving in Argentina wrote about the "corralito" and living in a country that went to hell almost overnight.

The lesson here is not to stuff all your money in the mattress and pray for the best. It's to have cash on hand. You know, that paper stuff we all used to pay our bills with before the invention of debit cards? "Digital" money can be created or deleted in an instant, but immediately following a crises the kind of money you can fold and put in your pocket can be priceless. Not a lot, just an emergency fund- maybe a month of expenses for you and your family.

My second suggestion is to invest in goods. This includes gold, but I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it. You want things that can be used for barter, or used by yourself in an emergency. Food, potable water, blankets, toilet paper, simple tools, medical supplies, etc. You may also want to invest in luxury items such as tobacco, alcohol and candy. Even if you don't use them yourself, they may come in handy for trade. . .or bribes, if it comes to that.

Just my thoughts.

25 December 2012

Safety & security: Gun registration

If you missed it on the news, a newspaper in New York has taken it upon themselves to publish an interactive map showing the names and addresses of all persons who legally own a gun in several New York counties.

This is wrong on so many levels that I don't even know where to start, but let me use it to illustrate one point: gun registration only seems harmless. I mentioned it briefly in my post about open carry. If you register your gun you have created a record. That record may be used by clever criminals, by government agents acting under color of law, or (as in this case) by idiot media hounds out to create a sensational news story and violate your privacy.

Gun registration was one of the first steps undertaken in the UK during their bid for gun control. After law abiding gun owners registered their guns, the British government used those same records to confiscate guns throughout the country.

Don't fall for it.

22 December 2012

Health: Cold & flu remedies

The whole family isn't feeling too hot due to some nasty viral upper respiratory infection, and I have two kids too small for the usual OTC remedies. I've broken out the NSAIDs, the steam vaporizer, the chest rub, the saline spray, and the plug-in-the-wall "waterless" vaporizer - which is basically an aromatherapy diffuser and can be refreshed by dampening the pads with this instead of the pricey refills:


You can use eucalyptus by itself or make your own blend with menthol, lavender, what-have-you. Most of these things do their best work when used at night, in a closed bedroom. Not keeping themselves awake all night coughing makes for happier babies, but I still wish there was something more I could do for them.

Does anyone know of something that works that I haven't tried?

19 December 2012

Homeschooling: Good citizenship

Texas is one of the best places to live if you want to homeschool your children. Homeschooling families are considered private schools under Texas law, and the state does not regulate private schools so the requirements are minimal. As for curriculum, Texas homeschoolers are required to study reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship.

That last one usually gives people pause. Good citizenship? What do they mean by that?

Well, specifically they mean you should study how our government works, and how a good citizen participates in it. It's part of teaching your kids to grow up to be responsible adults. It's about instilling a sense of civic duty and a greater understanding of the part they play in a representative government. Even if you don't live in Texas it's not a bad idea to cover this in your homeschool.

Now my kids are still a little young for a in-depth class on government, but there's no reason not to start teaching them the basic principles of being a good citizen and a decent person. I was looking for something age-appropriate and I found these cute flashcards:


They've got adorable illustrations, and cover a number of topics that fall under the broader definition of good citizenship, such as:

Take responsibility.
Help people in trouble.
Know the rules and follow them.
Fix problems instead of ignoring them.
Show respect and consideration for others.
Keep your promises.
Clean up your messes.
Make others feel comfortable and welcome.
Don't be wasteful.
Cooperate with others and use teamwork.
Do the right thing, even if no one is watching.
Don't be greedy.
Compliment others on good work.
Don't cheat.
Don't call people names or use rude words.
Listen when people are talking.
Be kind to animals.
Don't stand for injustice.
Talk out your differences.

The same people also make a set of Good Manners flashcards, and in my experience little kids really like the "polite piggies".

17 December 2012

Thoughts: Pray for them all.

I pray for the families who lost a child to this tragedy. I pray for the victims who were taken when their lives had just begun. I pray for the brave teachers and staff who faced death empty-handed to protect their students. I pray for the survivors who will be forever changed by experiencing this. I also pray for the first responders. It's almost cliche in the law enforcement world, but it's still true- Kids are the hardest.

14 December 2012

Save money: Pine cleaner

Am I the only one who thinks "clean" should smell like pine? My mother was a fan of Pine-Sol, and the military was big on it too. Pine oil based cleaners are one of the few scented products that don't kill my allergies. Aside from smelling nice, pine oil has disinfectant properties, cuts through grease, and is safe to use on just about every non-food surface you can put water on.

What some folks don't realize is that most pine cleaners are only 5% pine oil. Most of the rest of that bottle is just water. I don't like paying for water, so I get the concentrated stuff. Pine-o-Pine is sold at my local hispanic grocery, and it's 30% pine oil:
The bottle isn't very big, but when you only have to use it by the half-teaspoon it lasts a long time. One of these typically lasts me a year or more. Always read the label before you buy. There are some pine cleaners *coughSuperPinecough* that misleadingly label themselves as "90% pure pine oil and surfactants", to make you believe they have more pine oil in them than they do.

11 December 2012

Bear with me

I try to post something at least every other day, but I haven't been feeling well lately. Bear with me a little while and I'll get back to work, I promise.

08 December 2012

Safety & security: Burglar alarms

I have mixed feelings about monitored burglar alarm systems.

On one hand, if you have an alarm the odds of your home being successfully burglarized when you're not at home is incredibly low. As long as you remember to turn it on every time you leave. I responded to a few houses where I swear they just broke an out of the way window to see if the cops showed up, or did a quick smash-and-grab if they could see something worthwhile in easy reach. Make sure your alarm panel isn't visible from outside your home, but most importantly don't forget to set it every time.

On the other hand (and what the alarm companies don't tell you) is that the police don't come running code when your residential alarm goes off. If your police force has a reasonable response time for most calls, then they'll probably get there in a reasonable amount of time if your alarm goes off under normal circumstances. After a storm when there are twenty other burglar alarms in the city going off, plus downed trees, traffic signals out, several car crashes and such you may end up at the bottom of the priorities list. That's after a storm. Imagine if the power was out for any length of time, or the phone lines were down, or what might happen in the case of civil unrest. What will you do then? The cops are going to be busy.
Another consideration is the home invasion robbery. This differs from burglaries in that there are usually several people working together, they're well armed and organized, and not afraid to use force to get you to comply. Not to mention the bad guy now has a person who can turn the alarm off for them. Ask your alarm company if your system has a hostage code.  This makes it look as if the alarm has been turned off, but sends a silent alarm letting the alarm company know that it was under duress. It's better still to exercise situational awareness every time you enter or exit your home, and not get taken hostage to begin with.
In short, while alarm systems can be a useful addition to your home security, they shouldn't be the largest part of your plan to keep your home safe. If you believe otherwise, you're naive.

Thoughts: Urban Apartments

You may have noticed the title of my blog says "Suburban". There's a reason for that. I've been to a number of cities, both overseas and in the States, and I didn't like any of them. My impression was that they were noisy, dirty, crowded, the people were rude, and nobody knew how to drive. That was during the good times. I don't want to be anywhere near one in an emergency.

However, some of my relatives choose to live in or on the outskirts of large cities. Don't ask me why.

This guy has put a lot of thought into prepping in a big city, and I think he has some good points to make, especially on avoiding detection and the danger of fire:

Selco over at SHTF school writes about the subject, too. He was trapped in one of the cities in the Balkans. I can't read too much of what he writes in one sitting, because I saw some of it too. There are some stories that don't improve with retelling.

07 December 2012

Safety & security: Open carry

I've seen a number of videos posted depicting people walking down the street with an openly carried firearm. As far as I can tell, the point is to cause a scene and pick a fight with the cops. This is foolishness.

First, I am a huge supporter of the right to keep and bear arms- but some of these people were walking around with an unloaded firearm just to prove a point. You are, in essence, walking down a street waving several hundred dollars and daring someone to take it from you. While we still have some semblance of order in the streets, there are probably fewer people willing to take you up on that dare. Note that I said "fewer," and not that there were none at all. If things get worse, that expensive piece of equipment is going to look even more tempting to unscrupulous people.

Second, you have just announced to the world that you own a firearm. I hate to fall back on military/prepper jargon, but exercise some OPSEC, folks. I'll talk to you all day about my preps, but I'm going to leave to your imagination what weapons I have to protect those preps. Never advertise what kind of weapons you have, never brag about how many you have, and never EVER register your guns.

Third, situational awareness is the key to deterring violence. Criminal types have a sense of who is paying attention, and who is wandering around in Lala land. Guess who makes an easier target?  Besides, there's always someone bigger and badder than you are. So be alert, and let your concealed firearm be a "situational awareness" fail on the part of the bad guy. If you have to use a weapon to protect yourself, it's always easier to shoot someone with the gun they don't know you have.

On a side note, cops have a saying: "There's always a gun involved in every fight. Yours." If you don't have it in you to shoot somebody you're going to get shot with your own gun. Chew on that for awhile. I'll let you come to your own conclusion.

In closing let me say that it shouldn't be anyone's business what kind of gun you own or how you choose to carry it. I think that open carry and concealed carry should be legal in all 50 states. Anything less is the government sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. However, you won't see mine unless I'm fixing to shoot you with it.

06 December 2012

Save money: Can organizers

Order before 2013 and get 15% off any CanOrganizer 4 Pack

I've ordered from these people in the past, and they just sent me a 15% off coupon. While I don't need any more than I already have, I figured that someone else might like to try them.

They are inexpensive ($12-$16 per set of four), and despite the fact that they're made of cardboard, they've held together remarkably well for me over the last couple years. I will say that putting them together requires patience and some ability to follow directions. It's kind of like cardboard origami.

I like not having to dig around to find things, and not worrying about rotating cans anymore. Please measure the space you intend to put them in before you buy any.

Use offer code: Christmas15. There is no minimum order required to receive the 15% discount. Shipping times vary and are not guaranteed by Christmas. Offer valid only on CanOrganizer 4 packs (cupboard, shelf, pantry, wide). Offer expires December 31st, 2012.

02 December 2012

Health: What to do with trash?

What if your trash pickup doesn't come?

Almost everyone has experienced missing a week, due to accident or oversight. Your trashcan is full to overflowing. It's summertime and it starts to smell in the heat. Maybe you start to notice more flies or other vermin hanging around the house. Gross, isn't it? If you think it can't happen, check this out:

What if your trash isn't picked up for two weeks, or a month? Say the sanitation workers are on strike, or your city goes bankrupt and can't provide the service anymore, or a disaster makes the road impassable?

It's an element of preparedness that isn't often discussed. Maybe it lacks the glamour of solar backups, or the gross-out thrill of human waste disposal, but it's just as important.

I was reading an article on the matter (http://www.prepper-resources.com/trash-disposal-after-the-collapse-burn-it-bury-it/) and was disturbed that they only discussed two options that I consider a last resort. My suggestions, if it comes to it:

Reconsider what you put in the garbage. What can be re-used or re-purposed? Paper or cardboard is kindling for the fireplace or woodstove. Tires are instant raised beds, or stack them up and fill them with dirt for a truly bullet-resistant wall. Metal cans can be washed out and used to contain something else, or strung up as noisemakers to improve security, or flattened out and used to roof the shed.
Glass jars and plastic bottles have 101 uses, don't throw them away.
You can bet that if the S really does HTF, I'm going to find a use for that broken glass, too.

Learn about composting. Just about anything in the yard can go in the compost heap, but a surprising number of household scaps can as well. Onion peels, egg shells, coffee grounds, vegetable peelings, etc. All good compost stuff. Learn about brown/green ratio to keep it from smelling, and get a sealed composter instead of an open bin if vermin are a problem. Free fertilizer for your garden. A lot of this can also be fed to chickens or rabbits, if you keep them. You can then compost the chicken poo, or spread rabbit droppings directly on your garden.

Meats, fats, bones, leftover food cooked with any of these, dog feces and all that are not candidates for the compost heap. Surefire way to spread pathogens and to get rats and other nasties digging through your garbage. Cut the bottom off a trashcan and bury it partway in the ground to make a digester for that sort of garbage, like this (http://www.instructables.com/id/Backyard-Organic-Waste-Digester/) or this (http://www.instructables.com/id/Big-Dog-Poop-Composter/). When figuring out what size container to use for this, err on the side of big. Make sure it has a tight fitting lid, and locate it away from groundwater and anything else it could contaminate. It's a specialized sort of outhouse, after all.

Finally, if there's no other possible use for it and you don't want to burn it as kindling (like plastic or styrofoam), then and only then might I consider burying it. Again, watch your location and put it away from anything it might contaminate.

01 December 2012

Thoughts: . . .

I logged on today intending to blog about something light, like child-resistant Christmas trees. I got sidetracked and started reading, clicked on a few links, and found something else entirely. Now I just don't feel like it. Maybe tomorrow.

This guy is from the Balkans, and writes extensively about his experiences there.

27 November 2012

Safety & security: Theft prevention

Tis' the season- for burglaries. The holidays are here and the criminals have shopping to do, but unfortunately they're going to do theirs by breaking into your house or car. I kid you not, they'll break into your house and steal the presents out from under your tree. Your local police department can probably tell you that thefts and burglaries usually spike around the holidays, but what with the economy you can expect there are going to be even more than usual.
  • Lock everything. Lock your house, lock your car, lock your shed and outbuildings, lock the gate. Don't hide a key. Criminals know where to look, they will find any key you hide. If you frequently lock yourself out, leave a key with a trusted friend or neighbor.
  • Anything outside and not locked up might as well have a sign on it that says "Free stuff!" Bicycles, kid toys, lawn and garden equipment, even your porch furniture- if it is not secure it can and will be stolen.
  • Turn your outside lights on at night. Use solar lights and/or motion detectors if you don't want a big electric bill. You don't want to make it easy for them. Don't get me wrong, criminals work at all hours. Burglars will come break into your house in the middle of the day on a weekday, if they're reasonably sure you're at work. Just don't provide them with the cover of darkness.
  • On the same note, don't have lots dense of shrubbery that make it hard to see your house. Especially your doors and windows. Trim everything so it's either very low, or has no leaves to hide behind for at least 3 feet above the ground. Side note, this is also can function as "clearing a field of fire" for if you need to defend your home. If you don't know what that means, look it up. It's important. Dense shrubbery with thorns is an exception, see: http://suburbanprepper.blogspot.com/2012/11/security-unfriendly-plants.html
  • Don't advertise that you have nice things inside your house. I'd noticed that some people position their Christmas tree so it can be seen from the street through their windows. That is stupid. So is having your TV, computer, or other expensive possessions where they can be easily seen from outside your house. If you refuse to get burglar bars, at least close your curtains. This goes for cars, too. Take your tools and widgets inside. Don't forget to take your garage door opener! You don't want the thief to come back later and let themselves into your house through the garage. Also, please tell me you don't leave your purse or packages in the car, ever.
  • Take a look at houses that have over-the-top holiday displays. You may see "Holiday spirit", but criminals see "They have money to burn." If you can afford the electric bill for your Winter Wonderland, you probably have something inside worth stealing. They'll also steal your inflatable Santa. I'm not saying to be a Scrooge and do nothing, even I have a modest string of lights. Just don't be dumb about it.
  • Same thing goes for leaving boxes out on the curb. That box for your new TV just tells burglars that you have something good to steal. If you can't fit them in the trashcan take them to the dump, take them to recycle, burn them as kindling, something.
  • Use noisemakers. They make battery powered pool alarms that have a keypad, and a siren that'll make your ears ring. Keep in mind that these do no good unless someone is actually LISTENING for the alarm. I use a couple around my house and have set them off accidentally once or twice. Nobody even blinked.
  • If you can't be home to receive packages and mail, find some way to secure them. There are locking mailboxes and vaults for packages, but they're not cheap. Maybe have packages delivered to your work, or a neighbor who will be home. Thieves will steal the packages off your porch and the Christmas cards out of your mailbox. If you're going away, have the post office hold your mail. They'll do it for free, all you have to do is go to the post office and fill out a form.
  • Finally, don't tell me how nice your neighborhood is, or how it's so rural that "Nobody around here locks their doors", or how watchful your neighbors are, or how good your police force is. Criminals have cars, and they drive around looking for suckers like that. Your neighbor may have to go to the store, or otherwise have their own business to mind. The son of that nice couple you've known for years may be a convicted burglar. Finally, 99.9% of the time, cops respond to crimes that have already happened. It's your responsibility to secure your possessions.

26 November 2012

Food storage: What to store?

I'll be honest. I've looked at those pre-assembled 1 year supplies of food storage. They're freaking expensive, and they're not tailored to my family's eating habits. Same thing goes for the 72 hour kits and whatnot. (I mean, TVP? Really?)

So, based on those same principles, I can't give you a checklist you can print and tell you "Ta-da! Now you're prepared!" I can tell you some things I worked out for myself, and hopefully you can use them as guidelines to store food that will be useful for your family.

First, store what you eat. What good are 200 cans of tuna fish if your family hates it?

Second, the goods you have in your pantry may keep a lot longer than you think, if stored correctly. Not too hot, not too cold, protected from bugs, out of sunlight, and sealed against air and moisture. You do not need mylar and gamma lids to do this. Repackage that plastic envelope of spaghetti into a clean, dry jar and it'll keep for years. Check out http://www.stilltasty.com/ for some guidelines on how long some foodstuffs will keep. Salt, sugar and white rice will last indefinitely if stored properly. Dry beans, oatmeal, powdered milk, spices, and pasta are also good bulk-buy staples that keep for a good long time.

Third, comparison shop. If you buy everything from one store (especially the food storage places) you will get burned, because some places will have a substantial markup on things you can get elsewhere for cheaper. I adore Honeyville (http://honeyvillegrain.com/), they have a great selection and your whole order ships for less than $5, and they often run sales from 10-20% off. (Sign up for their newsletter to be notified.) However, the Augason Farms brand at www.walmart.com beats even their prices and WM offers free shipping on orders over $45. Their selection isn't as good, though.

Fourth, bring a calculator and make sure you're comparing apples to apples. Take the unit price for that #10 can (or whatever) and divide it by the number of ounces of food that's in it. Now compare the price per ounce, not the unit price. You can use the same principle when buying non-consumable items such as diapers, just calculate the cost per unit (per diaper, in this case). I've gone so far as to calculate the price for individual sheets of toilet paper in a package, but I'm cheap. And they try to fool you. They do!

Fourth, canned food is awesome. Just regular canned food from the grocery store. The sell-by date at the bottom does not mean the food is bad. Do your own research on this, as botulism is Very Bad and the vitamin content may decrease after being held for (several) years after the sell-by date, but as long as the can isn't damaged or bulging and the food inside doesn't smell off, it's probably fine. They've taken canned food from 100 year old shipwrecks and discovered the food was still safe to eat. Here's one article to start you: http://recipes.howstuffworks.com/menus/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-canned-food.htm By the way, I figured out early on that even the warehouse store packages of brand name canned goods didn't beat the ounce for ounce price of generic canned goods. The pretty labels are expensive, and canned tomatoes are canned tomatoes.

Fifth, individual components are less expensive and will usually last longer than mixes. Is that emergency meal package of instant "Vegetable Soup" or whatever really any better than getting the vegetables individually and making your own soup? The emergency meals with pasta are even worse ripoffs, because pasta is cheap and easy to store.

Finally, eat what you store. Replace as necessary. Whatever you decide to store should become what you and your family eat everyday. Do you really want to deal with tummy upsets and picky eaters when you're already having to cook by lanternlight on your kerosene stove? If you're thrifty when you buy it, you won't end up spending much more than you would on your regular groceries. I've found that it actually SAVES us money, because I don't have to account for spoilage like I do with fridge food.

Health: Toiletries (& where to put them)

I hope that you're setting aside more than beans, bullets and band aids. Having an ample supply of your regular toiletries on hand can make an emergency much more comfortable for you and your family, not to mention it'll make you much more popular with the folks who must stand downwind. Just like everything else you can save money by buying them in bulk and taking advantage of sales, instead of buying toiletries on as "as-needed" basis. I suggest you ought to have plenty of:
Bars of soap: For washing yourself, obviously, but plain (non-moisturizing) soap can also be used to wash clothes. If you store it unwrapped the bar dries out, which makes it last a bit longer.
Shampoo: Regular shampoo and baby shampoo. The baby shampoo is for the kids, but it also makes a great homemade baby wipes solution.
Toothpaste: I know, you can use baking soda. We have that, too. I just don't want to fight my kids to get them to brush their teeth. But look to "Where There is No Dentist" for alternative uses of fluoridated toothpaste in dentistry.
If you think this is bad, look up "hairy tongue"
Toothbrushes: Did you think of this one? They don't last forever, you know. I also like to have extras on hand to give guests who forget theirs at home.
Toilet paper: Lots and lots. If you have one, consider putting the big packages in the attic. They're light enough, and as long as it stays dry the temperature changes won't bother them.
Feminine hygiene items: The wash-and-reuse kinds are available, and while it's not a bad idea to have some I'd refer you back to my "doing laundry by hand" post. In a pinch they could also be used as bandages.
Razorblades & shaving supplies: I've had this discussion with DH. Not shaving for a weekend is okay. Not shaving for a month means no kisses. Our daughter agrees. Not to mention having my shaving supplies is bound to make me feel better groomed and more comfortable myself.
Contact lens supplies: Saline solution, cleanser, extra cases, etc. They'll last longer if you take care of them. Glasses are in here, too, of course.
Deodorant: The people you share space with will appreciate this greatly.
I also have a bin for the hotel shampoos and samples I accumulate, one for first aid supplies, a catch-all bin for nail clippers, tweezers, etc.
Now, I'm not too keen on storing my soap and shampoo in the same place I store foodstuffs. It just seems like a bad idea. That and it takes up room when my storage space was already at a premium. I looked into "storage ideas" at the specialty stores, and about choked at the prices they were asking to organize my cabinets. This is the cheaper system I came up with:

The boxes are actually plastic shoe boxes I got at WM for about $1 each. They're a manageable size, they stack well, and they're good at keeping all the little stuff from getting everywhere. It's amazing how much more stuff you can fit when you're using the space efficiently. The boxes are also narrow enough to use in my above-the-toilet shelves.

For the stuff I don't need to get to frequently, I've stacked them directly on top of each other in every available space under my sinks. Above you see the things I need to get to more often, and I've used the shelves to make them easier to access.

(http://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-Wire-Stacking-Shelf-Long/17785629) They come in a few sizes, but you may have to look in the store. Don't buy the shelves online without measuring them and your cabinets first.

Safety & Security: Assault indicators & the bladed stance

I had been digging through reams and reams of paper that I'd saved from the various courses I've had to take over the years. I was looking for the one that specified the non-verbal indicators that someone is about to get aggressive with you. Then I stumbled across this post:


Which was the class in a nutshell, basically. I'd like to add that it's part of LEO training to take a "bladed" or "interview" stance with just about everyone you talk to. Nothing personal. It keeps your sidearm out of easy grabbing distance and helps protect your vitals. It also transitions neatly into a Weaver firing stance with a little practice. If you carry a firearm in a holster on your side, it's not a bad idea to practice this.

An important note: where to put your hands.

Don't let your arms hang down by your side, and don't put them in your pockets. It takes too long to react from this position.

Don't put them up by your face like a boxer. It's too aggressive and the last thing you want to do is provoke an attack.

Don't rest one on the butt of your gun for the same reason. Well, that and if you're carrying concealed you've just announced to the world "I have a gun right here!"

DO sort of cup them together at about the level of your solar plexus. It's relatively non-threatening position that makes it easy to either get your hands up to protect your face, or down to reach your gun. This guy has it almost perfect, except he has his fingers interlaced. Maybe it works for him, but most people will squeeze their hands together when startled in this position, and it may take an extra second to pull them apart.

24 November 2012

Safety & security: How do you answer the door?

Did you know that burglars usually knock first? They're checking to see if anyone is home before they start creeping around. Several home invasions have started this way as well. A potential rapist may be checking to see if a woman is home alone.

If you are at home and somebody knocks on your door, don't ignore it. It's also a bad idea to blindly open the door. Look and see who it is first, preferably from your peephole in the door or somewhere the person at the door can't readily see you. Get a good look at them.

Then STEP AWAY FROM THE DOOR (and preferably to the side) and shout. I've used everything from "Who is it?" to "Go away!", but the point is to say something so whoever it is doesn't assume the house is unoccupied. If you don't want to shout, switch the porchlight on and off or something. If you can get one, install an intercom and interview the person that way.

I can also tell you that it's a common practice, at least among rural folks and police officers, to arm yourself first. By that I don't mean to point a gun at them, just to have one on you. One way to do this is to hold the pistol in your dominant hand, hold that arm close to your side, and sort of hold the pistol behind your thigh.

Ok, I didn't describe that very well, so here's a picture. If you hold it this way, you're not scaring the bejeezus out of some salesperson, and you can still shoot a bad guy if it proves necessary.

Depending on your visitor you may choose to open the door. If it's a friend, I usually holler "just a second!" and get the gun out of my hand. If something seems odd, or if it's a stranger I don't. Up to you.

Now I have a steel security door over my front door so I can talk to strangers through that, without opening the front door all the way. If you don't, at least put the chain on. If you have neither, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe to brace your foot against the inside of the door so it won't open more than a couple inches, so the other person can't just barge in. Keep in mind that if they try to push past you this may knock you off balance.

If you don't want to open the door and the person refuses to leave, tell them politely that they're trespassing, and tell them you're calling the cops. Depending on the circumstances, you may choose to punctuate this by racking a round into the shotgun. That's universally understood, but if you don't have one try hitting your car alarm.

The point is to develop some situational awareness- opening the door can be dangerous and unexpected guests may not choose to go away quietly if you ignore them.

23 November 2012

Thoughts: What are you prepping for?

I have a list of other blogs and alternative news media outlets that I follow, and another blog (http://homesteadsurvival.blogspot.com/2012/11/what-are-you-prepping-for.html) asked this same question. So I started thinking about it.

You know, I really didn't start out as a "prepper".

When I was in the military I realized I kind of liked ruck marches and sleeping outside, so I started backpacking. It wasn't long after I started my new hobby that I realized that the civilian market had MUCH better stuff. One thing led to another, and soon I was cutting the handle off my toothbrush and making alcohol stoves out of soda cans. I went on some solo hikes with my 25lb pack (water included), and once hiked out of the backcountry after breaking my wrist and splinting it with the internal stays from my pack and a couple bandannas. Hey, I was young and dumb- we all were at one point.

It wasn't until my power went out for a couple days (again) and I ended up in the kitchen cooking dinner on my backpacking stove that I thought "Hey, I might want to have a few things around the house". I wasn't really thinking about security. I was a brand new cop at the time and figured I could deal with it if some idjit broke into my house.

Then Katrina happened. I was far enough away that all I saw of the storm was some heavier than usual rain, but we got plenty of refugees. Since I was single and needed the money, I volunteered to pull overtime working at the shelter.

On one hand, I talked to a lot of people who had been displaced by the storm. I heard a lot of stories about the Superdome, about looters, about forced evacuations, weapons being confiscated, family members they had lost contact with and cars breaking down. All of a sudden my experience serving in the Balkans seemed to hit a lot closer to home. Some of those people had lost everything, and I felt for them.

On the other hand, I witnessed firsthand what an influx of refugees could do to the city and citizens I felt responsible for. Burglaries and robberies got so bad in the neighborhoods closest to the refugee shelter that we had to institute a curfew at the shelter. Gang violence erupted as the new gangs clashed with the local gangs. As a cop it was something of a paradigm shift for me. I arrested one of my "frequent flyers" one night and we had a conversation about it. To paraphrase my prisoner, he said "My family, my kids are here. This shooting up stuff has got to stop." The local gangs had butted heads with the cops for years, but they were invested in the community. The refugees had no such restraint.

Then came several waves of influenza. Despite the fact that my husband and I were both first responders and therefore got priority for the flu shots, we both got sick anyhow. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't as bad as the media hype. I still couldn't help but think of my family's story about how my great grandmother met my great grandfather, when he helped bury her father after he died in the pandemic of 1918.

Eventually I became a stay-at-home mom, and we became a single income family. Kids really do change everything. All the common sense prepping that I had undertaken before gained a sense of urgency. All the talk about politics and the economy has me worried, and I don't like the way things are headed. No matter what happens, I want to know that my family will be as secure as I can make them.

I guess the short answer is that I'm prepping for life, which isn't always as simple or straightforward as we might like.

Kids & Parenting: Diapers

Have you included diapers in your preps? Whether you have kids, or plan to have kids in the future, it's a good idea to have a supply of diapers on hand. It's not like they go bad or anything, and you know they're just going to get more expensive (just like everything else, thanks to inflation). I won't come down on either side of the disposable vs. cloth diapers debate, because I believe they both have their applications.

Disposable diapers are easy. You don't have to wash them, which may prove to be a major pain in an emergency (see my post on doing laundry by hand). The drawbacks are that they're single use, and you have to dispose of the used ones. Not a problem if you can count on regular garbage pickup, but what if? I'm going to have to mention the "evil" WM, because they have the least expensive and most functional brand of disposable diapers I've found. Saving 5 or 10 cents a diaper may not seem like much, but it adds up when you use a lot of them, and these work as well as the name brands I've tried.

As for cloth diapers, they're reusable, so you won't have to worry about running out. You will have to do a LOT of laundry. I have heard of mythical organizations called "diaper services" that do the hard work for you, but they kind of rob you of the frugal aspect of cloth diapering. That and I don't think they'd make their regular pickups in an emergency. I've tried the all-in-ones (hard to wash, expensive), the pocket diapers (easier to wash, but still expensive), the flat cloth (pain to fold), the prefolds (not bad, and cheap), and microfiber towels (better and cheaper still, IMO). Use whatever suits your budget. The only thing I advise you to do is get a snappi or three. Seriously, for holding cloth diapers onto squirmy children so they don't fall off or leak, they're awesome. Even the diapers with fasteners built in benefited from one of these once the kids started moving around a lot, when snaps start coming unsnapped and velcro comes undone.


22 November 2012

Safety & security: Don't burn the turkey!

I may have mentioned before that I have smoke detectors in every room of my house, due to the burglar bars. I highly encourage you to invest in the same, but either way please replace the batteries on your smoke detectors annually. It's a Thanksgiving tradition in my family to replace the batteries today, so we "Don't burn the turkey". Happy Thanksgiving.

20 November 2012

Safety & security: Unfriendly plants

So here's another blow to your perceived home security: six foot fences don't keep anybody out. Unless you have barbed wire topping it (unlikely in the suburbs), you can climb chain link like a ladder. Wooden privacy fencing isn't much better. I barely top 5 foot tall and I've jumped a few myself. So, as an added layer of security I've planted things with thorns around the fence.
My roses here look nice, and since they've grown some more since this picture was taken they're tall enough to arch over the gate. This is important because gates are easy to get past, even if you've locked them. The corners of the fence and anywhere the ugly (not smooth) side faces out are the same. If you can't plant things on the outside of the fence, plant them just inside. Roses, blackberry bushes and cactus are good choices for where I am, and I've made full use of them.

Speaking of cactus, this is a prickly pear. (Photo isn't mine) They're easy to grow- I asked a neighbor for a few pads and stuck them halfway in the ground alongside my house to make the "blind spots" bad places to hang out. Some folks also plant them under the windows as a burglar deterrant, which isn't a bad idea but bars are better.
Besides being a great living fence, prickly pear is also a food source. You heard me right. The pads (nopales) are eaten as a vegetable, and the fruits (tuna) are sweet and tasty. Use BBQ tongs to pick them and wear heavy gloves when handling them. During times of drought I've seen ranchers use a propane torch to burn the spines off so the livestock can eat them for emergency fodder.
I heard they're an invasive species in Australia, but frankly they're kind of invasive in Texas, too- and they're a native plant to us.

19 November 2012

Finances: An alternative emergency fund

You won't hear me talking about gold or silver on here. You can't eat gold, I couldn't afford any anyhow, and I personally don't think the people who are hoarding it will get as much spending power out of it as they think they will.

Let's talk instead about preparing your family for the smaller financial crises. One of the biggest concerns I had about leaving the workforce was that we'd be down to just one paycheck. What if my DH lost his job, or got injured, or we had a large unexpected expense come up?

So I crunched numbers. The first thing I did, and this isn't for everyone, is cash out my retirement account. Hey, they're talking about "redistributing the wealth" in them anyhow. We used the money to pay off his car, some outstanding student loans, get a new roof (it needed doing) and -this is the important part- pay all our monthly bills at least a month in advance. I've kept up with that little cushion since, and added to it where possible.

Think about it- in the event of an emergency, we could skip paying bills for at least a month. If we ate entirely out of our food storage, to eliminate the grocery bill, we wouldn't have to spend money on much of anything. A month would give one or both of us time to secure another job if need be.

Not having to stress when his paycheck doesn't line up with the due date of our bills has also given us both some peace of mind, and some flexibility in our budget. Emergency room bill? No problem. Car needs new tires? No problem. Our finances are still a balancing act, but it's one with a good safety net.

18 November 2012

Health: Rodent control

This may squick some people, but it's information you probably need to know. Recently DH and I tried to get something out of the shed, and discovered we had an uninvited guest. I never saw what sort of rodent it was exactly, but I could tell by the those-aren't-raisins scattered on the floor.

Piece of advice, if you see something similar, don't hang around. Rodents carry lots of diseases in their poop, and several of them get in the dust and kill you that way. Don't breathe that if you can help it.

So how do you get rid of them, then?

Well first, deny them food. We figure this one is stealing dog food, so we're feeding the dog earlier, and feeding him a little less so he doesn't leave any in his bowl. This won't do much for awhile, as rodents are inclined to hoard food and it'll be some time before that runs out. It will make a reinfestation much less likely, and make step two more effective as they'll have to forage more.

Part of denying them food is also plugging whatever hole they're using to get in and out. If you find a hole or gap big enough for rodents to squeeze through (smaller than you'd think, maybe a quarter to a half inch) squeeze in some caulk and stuff in coarse steel wool. Rodents can't chew through steel wool. The caulk just makes the steel wool hard for them to push out.

Step two is get traps. Lots of traps, more really is better in this instance. They make fancy electrical traps, but they're expensive. I can get a lot of snap traps for what one of those cost. Live traps are stupid. You know those rats they teach to run mazes? Rats are smart enough to avoid the trap once they've been caught in it, and that doesn't mean they've moved out. Live traps are also stupid because rats are MEAN. You've heard the expression about fighting "like a cornered rat"? There's a reason for that. Rats are also smart enough to learn from the mistakes of others, so get lots of snap traps and move them around once they've caught something.

When you place the traps, keep in mind that rodents don't like to walk across open spaces. They'll walk next to walls, beside fences, under overhangs, or such. I stick the bait side closest to the wall, and I use peanut butter for bait. Don't forget to wear gloves when you empty the traps.

I don't use poisons. I have kids, animals and food growing in my yard. I'm not putting poison in there. Yes, I know my kids could get hurt by a trap, that's why I'm careful where I place them. On the other hand they could get dead by rat poison, so I don't have any.

After you haven't caught anything for a week, it's probably safe to assume your pests are either dead or moved out. Open the doors and windows and get a breeze going. You want ventilation for the cleanup.

Now the CDC says to do it different, and this is what I should probably have done:


What I did was drench everything in bleach water and sweep it up. 

Final thought, if you've got rodents watch for snakes. One often follows the other. While you're doing your cleanup, don't stick your hand anywhere you can't see.

Thoughts: Planning on bugging out?

Frankly, it baffles me that so many preppers place most of their emphasis on bugging out.

Where are you going?

The wilderness? I was an avid backpacker B.C. (that's Before Children), and I can tell you that the "wilderness" gets pretty crowded on weekends and holidays. There may be plenty of empty land, but water sources are another matter. I might also mention that there's a reason hunters wear blaze orange, because open season brings a whole 'nother group of outdoor enthusiasts tramping around your pristine wilderness. Think people are going to pay strict attention to the "No Trespassing" sign on your deer lease when they're hungry?

To a "secure remote location"? Okay. If you can afford to buy the land, dig a well, build a concrete bunker, put up a wind turbine or solar array, store or raise enough food, make your own clothing, cook your own meals, cut firewood, AND defend all this. That's either going to take more money than most folks have, or more hours than there are in a day. If you've got a group of like minded people, that's a bit better. You can share the workload and the expenses- but are you getting into petty arguments with your survival buddies while you're still building your retreat? How well is that going to hold up when stress levels are much higher and you're stuck in close proximity to each other?

To family? Do they know this? Do they have somewhere to put you? Do they have enough food/water/ammo/what-have you on hand to take care of you as well, or are you bringing it with you when you come? Is where they are significantly better than where you are? Can you be obedient to the rules of their house (YOU are the guest, after all)? If you can answer yes to all of the above, you might be on to something. It still leaves the question, though:

How are you going to get there?

If you have a plan, a back-up plan, a back-up back-up plan, if it's not too far, if everything goes right, and if you are lucky- you may get where you're going. I pulled overtime working at a shelter after Katrina, and I talked to a lot of people. A lot of them had had plans, too, but reality happened.

Americans have gotten used to easy travel, and don't give enough consideration to the fact that traveling is dangerous. Once you hit the road, you are a REFUGEE. If you must, you must, and if you must it's better to be a prepared refugee. However, I served in the Balkans, and I can tell you that Bad Things happen to refugees. Many of the people had no choice, because they were caught between a rock and a hard place, but witnessing what happened there was a formative event in my life. (I have pictures I will add to this article later, but they still need to be scanned.)

I'm not saying you shouldn't bug out. It may prove necessary and you should have a plan for it. For most people, though, it shouldn't be your first or (god forbid) only plan. As for me, I will only leave my home if it becomes uninhabitable.

17 November 2012

Kids & Parenting: Time out pad

Now, I am not opposed to spanking, but sometimes little kids need to sit and think a minute until they remember how to act right. However, I'm usually multi-tasking and it's hard to keep track of everything at once. This little device was money well spent as far as I am concerned.
It has an adjustable timer, so you can set it for a minute for every year old your child is. You push the button, the kid sits on the pad, the timer starts. When the time is up, a little song plays. If my little sneaks try to get up and go play before their time is up, an alarm goes off.

The end result is that I'm not putting myself in timeout while keeping track of theirs, and I can keep making dinner or whatever I was doing before.

Save money: Free stuff!

I own the first two books on this list, and was planning on reviewing and discussing them here, but Ferfal over on "Surviving in Argentina" has kindly gone and found where you can read them and others online for free.


"Where there is no Doctor" and "Where there is no Dentist" are books I'd recommend having hardcopies of, but now you can read them and judge for yourself. I also think highly of Ferfal's blog and follow it myself. He experienced the financial collapse in Argentina firsthand, and his insight on the matter is invaluable.

16 November 2012

Save money: DIY window insulation

I know that some of you up north will be laughing at me when I say this, but it DOES get kind of chilly down here in Texas during the winter. I'd noticed early on that standing next to my windows felt like standing in front of an open refrigerator. I couldn't locate any particular draft, and my heavy drapes (and the blankets I hung over them in desperation) just seem to direct the chill down to the floor. Not to mention they made the house dark.

The hardware store offered "window insulation kits" that were just tape and a sheet of flimsy plastic. It seemed like a lot of money for not a lot of product, and I figured that if that was all there was to it I had better plastic.

You may have noticed that I garden a little bit. I had on hand a roll of clear plastic sheeting they sold in the paint section as a drop cloth. I keep some on hand to cover vegetables if we expect a freeze.

I just cut a piece to size, put it over the window, and used clear packing tape to tape it on all four sides- to include the wall and windowsill. On my really wide windows I cheated a little and used a few (regular paper stapling) staples to fasten it to the wall under the curtainrod. It helped hold it up.

The cold air stopped, and my heater no longer kicked on every ten minutes. It's not totally clear, when it's up on the windows it makes them look frosted. I'm okay with that because it still lets lots of light in, provides some privacy, and there's no view to speak of anyhow. I have sheers on my windows, so when the heavy drapes are open I think it looks kind of nice.

The really awesome thing is that it cost less than one of the "kits" to do all the windows in my house, and since the plastic is pretty sturdy I can roll my covers up every year and reuse them.

Finances: Wants & needs

This is probably going to ruffle some feathers, but I'm not going to apologize. There are a lot of people who complain about their finances. There are very few people who take a good hard look at what they spend their money on, and weigh what they want against what they need.

I would challenge you to set a time for yourself, say two months, and cut everything down to the bone. Then watch how much money you save. I did this with my family while we adjusted to being a single income household. This is what we figured out:

We needed food. We didn't need to eat expensively. For awhile there we didn't eat out at all, and we still only go out for special occasions. DH packed his lunch to work, I made everything I used to buy pre-made, there was no snack food, we had "meatless" dinners a couple times a week and another meal where the meat was always hot dogs (which are actually quite versatile). I still buy generic instead of brand names of just about everything. Organic, all-natural, free range, grass fed whatever didn't get bought unless it was on sale for less than its non-PC counterpart.

We needed water. We didn't need a lot of the things we were drinking. DH gave up his soda habit, I gave up bottled water and Starbucks, the kids got powdered milk instead of juice drinks.

We needed shelter. There wasn't a lot we could trim here. We couldn't sell our house and downsize even if we wanted to, so we did what we could to reduce our utility bills. After my divorce from my previous spouse I took in lodgers and worked side jobs to help pay the mortgage. Now the rooms are full of kids and DH won't let me rent the couch out.

We needed clothing. For the kids, at least. We only bought for ourselves what wore out and needed to be replaced. Socks, underwear, and DH's work shoes were the only things I bought new. Everything else came from the thrift store, garage sales, freecycle, and the like. I broke out the sewing machine to mend and alter things. The baby was in cloth diapers, sort of. See the microfiber towels I mentioned in my earlier post? They worked great and were cheap. Hey, I washed them.

We needed to be healthy & clean. We got a cheaper health insurance plan for DH and the kids. I gave up my private health insurance entirely, because I could get some care through the VA. I stopped going to the hair salon and let my hair grow out. I also learned how to trim DH's hair so he could go longer between barbershop cuts, and cut the kids' hair at home. I washed my face with soap instead of cleanser, and didn't buy cosmetics.

We needed transportation. Or rather, DH had to get to work. Other than his commute and a monthly trip to the grocery store, the car stayed parked to save gasoline. We sold my car, and I got a bicycle with a kid trailer for the times I needed to go somewhere in town when he was at work. (I didn't realize until we became a one car family just how much money it really cost to keep a car maintained.)

We needed communications. DH needed his cell phone for work, and he insisted that I needed a phone. His cell phone has no touch screen, no data plan, no internet plan, limited texting, and fewer minutes. We pay $16 a month for a house phone instead of a second cell phone for me.

We needed entertainment. The kids play at the park. Our library has something for the kids going on at least five days a week, and we borrow books and movies there. (I think the last movie I saw in theaters was Battle: Los Angeles. I wish I'd picked a better one.) We still have no cable, in fact we have no television, but we kept the computer and internet. DH gave up his online game subscription (but eventually I made him get it back because 50 cents a day to keep him from driving me nuts was a bargain). I gave up my martial arts classes. 

After doing all that for several months, we saved enough money to stop panicking. I call it my crash diet system of financial planning. We still do most of the things on that list, just because they're habit now. It's nice to be able to use the money we save to buy presents and treats occasionally.

So, and this is the part that might ruffle feathers, if you whine about how tough things are while you're fiddling with your smartphone- I'm going to laugh at you. You have been warned.

Health: OTC medication

Disclaimer: I am not any kind of health care practitioner. Talk to your doctor before you make any serious decisions regarding your healthcare, and if you do decide to do anything I mention here you do so at your own risk. Everything in this article is written under the assumption that you've somehow found yourself in a situation where it's difficult or impossible to get prompt professional medical attention.

I've read a lot of discussions about antibiotics, narcotic pain medications and other prescription drugs and where to get them. First let me say that antibiotics ARE the way to fight serious infections, and there's no substitute for some prescription medications. However most of the channels that people use to get antibiotics for their preps are expensive, and may not be an option for some folks. Some of them start looking for alternatives of the herbal or homeopathic variety, and if that's what you prefer then have at it- it's your health.

Another consideration when you're stocking up, and one that's sometimes overlooked, is having a ready supply of over-the-counter medications. They're limited in their application but they work, they're relatively inexpensive, and they're easy to get ahold of.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Motrin) are both non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. They're used to treat pain, swelling and fevers. I have on hand both the pill form for adults, and the liquid form for my kids. My pediatrician has on several occasions had us alternate the two to treat both fevers and pain in our children, and that has worked well for us. I've taken them on my doctor's orders to treat post-operative pain, and while they don't provide the relief you get from narcotic pain meds they do help a lot- without making you loopy.

Speaking of things my doctor has told me, I used to go in once a year with a sinus infection, or bronchitis, or pneumonia if I let it get bad for too long. My doctor, who was a formerly a flight surgeon in the military, understood that I needed to get back to work ASAP. He gave a list of everything I needed to get better fast. On that list was Mucinex D, which is a combination of guaifenesin and a nasal decongestant. I've stocked it ever since. Now I take an anti-snot pill when my symptoms start, and I haven't had one of those infections in years.

I also stock diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and ranitidine (Zantac), and not just for seasonal allergies. People in my family have a tendency to suddenly develop food allergies to things they've eaten all their lives with no problem. Let me stress that the only treatment for anaphylactic shock is to get the person to a hospital, but if you don't have an Epi-pen on hand and medical treatment can't be gotten to quickly, these may buy you some time. I stock Benadryl pills for DH's strange eye allergies, and liquid for the kids- just in case.  

I also have some aspirin, and it's not for headaches- it's for heart attacks. I went on several calls for service with the ambulance where someone with a heart condition had been instructed by their physicians to chew one before calling 911, and I've found plenty of evidence to support that this is a good idea.

I also have Loperamide (Imodium), some catch-all cold and flu treatments like NyQuil, and some omeprazole (Prilosec) and bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) for DH just in case his ulcer acts up again.